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If you want to commission me for private/personal commissions please read through this page to get an overview of my work ethic, examples, and current prices. If you have come here from lioden feel free to dm me via lioden rather then emailing me, of course email me your characters though.


I ONLY POST TO Australia, and NewZealand.

(email me to tell me if you want it posted, and to discuss your address etc.)

email is


Before ordering any artwork from me please have a look at my TOS. These terms are to make sure you as the customer don't have a misconception of my work and we don't have any problems.


As I'm still at school, and training I may not respond to you right away, please be patient when waiting for your artwork, or for me to respond. I am also not taking any sort of commercial work at the moment.


$15 - 15gb

A half- body commission shows the character from the hip/knee area and up. Half body characters come with a background. A highly detailed background may increase the price.


Additional characters + $5- 5gb

Full body
$20 - 20gb


A full-body commission may include action poses, background and advanced lighting. 


Choose between a simple color background or detailed background


 Simple background +$5 - 5gb, 1000k sb


 Advanced background + $10 - 10gb, 


Reference sheet
$30 - 30gb, breeding or applicators for lioden

A sheet with normally two full bodies front view and back view.


-Additional full bodies + $5 - 5gb, 

-Additional adds (faces and accessories) + $5 - 5gb, 





A portrait crops the character around the neck/shoulder area depending on the pose and or individual character


A simple background theme will be included 


Additional characters or pets + $5

or 5gb

Small animations $10-20- 10-20gb applicators or breeding items

Small animations may include a sketchy styled gif, what the gif may be doing  can be changed.


Additional character + $5 - 5gb

The process/method

Message me


Half payment


Other half of payment



Humans/humanoids/ fantasy characters


Couples and ships of any gender




Furry/ anthro characters


I'm okay with doing slightly suggestive stuff (shirtless)




Gore - cuts, bruises, ripped skin, etc.






pornography, fetishes, major gore (ex. child deaths etc.)


Hateful art/ racist 


Imitating others art styles


Mechanical art / robotic art ( I can do it, it just doesn't look good


Wounded animals





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